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EVOLVE to Reorganize Supreme Court Registry
Group Photo: Staff of the Supreme Court including HW Tweyanze(M) with members of the EVOLVE Team at the Supreme Court in Kampala

Efforts to rearrange the Supreme Court Registry kicked off following a meeting chaired by the Ag Registrar Supreme Court, HW Lawrence Tweyanze and attended by the Registry staff and volunteers from EVOLVE, a pro-bono Criminal Justice Development Organization.

The Registrar said once complete, the five-day project will ease tracking of all files in the Registry as all documents will be scanned and saved in soft copy.

The EVOLVE members bench-marked model courts and want to replicate best practices at Court. So far,shelf files have been introduced as well as the use of file tracking cards to keep track of who and where the file is.

"All complete files will be kept in boxes and archived with only active files will remaining in the registry," HW Tweyanze said. 

He advised the Registry staff to work hand-in-hand with the EVOLVE team for better output.

The Registry reorganization was a brainchild of the Registry who wants to ensure that modern record keeping practices are practiced at the Court.

Posted 22nd, July 2020
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